Friday, October 2, 2009

Fun Do it yourself - La Tradition

1. Selles-sur-cher, goat’s milk cheese from the Loire Valley, very mild, milky, creamy with subtle hints of lemon.
2. Langres, wash rind cow’s milk cheese from the region of Champagne. Very delicate cheese.
3. Comte, cow’s milk mountain cheese. One of France’s most popular cheese, flavors can go from apricot, chocolate, butter, nutty. Some say there are more than 80 flavors in this cheese.
4. Roquefort, sheep’s milk cheese from the Aveyron region. This blue cheese has a very rich flavor, piquant and it melts in your mouth.

This selection offers a quick example on the art and tradition of artisan cheese making in France. Subtle flavors, delicate textures, live side by side with richness and complexity in French cheeses. To the French it’s all about tradition and pride. Pair this with a bottle of Sancerre, Burgundy, Sauternes and why not Champagne!
Bon Appetite!

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